50 things I love about testing

Aya Akl
3 min readApr 28, 2017


I am a PASSIONATE test automation engineer. I have been working in testing for almost 6 years and a half. And this is my list of 50 things I love about TESTING ❤

1- Finding the root cause of an issue.

2- Using Mind Maps to write test cases.

3- Brainstorming sessions.

4- Writing test cases and test scenarios.

5- Mobile Testing!

6- Seeking quality for anything you do even if it is not work related.

7- My PASSION for it.

8- Got me to learn how to be a diplomatic person.

9- Awesome people I knew in testing.

10 Awesome blogs I read in Testing.

11- Enhancing my problem solving skills.

12- The fact that if I had the chance to relive my life again I would definitely choose software testing as a career over and over again.

13- Using my testing skills in my daily personal life. and YES it really helps!

14- It got me to be self confident.

15- Awesome tools to work with: Appium, Selenium, Capybara, RSpec, Cucumber, TestRail and so many more!

16- Testing Conferences (Selenium Conferences, TestBash Conferences, and STAR Software Testing Conferences).

17- Test Talks.

18- I am a Customer Advocate.

19- Women in Testing… and yes I am a Woman in testing!

20- I can do testing on the cloud — SauceLabs & TestObject!

21- I can automate it.

22- And I can also Explore ;)

23- That great feeling when I got to apply my searching on a new tool or a new technology!

24- That happy feeling when I end an email or a text to my testing colleagues with “HAPPY testing,”.

25- That awesome feeling when I talk with a friend who shares the same passion as me for testing.

26- It got me playing with black screens with green lines (Terminals).

27- It got me support my mobile app customers.

28- The Attention to details.

29- It is not boring!

30- It challenges me everyday.

31- Automated Testing Design Patterns.

32- I always wanted to work as a detective and a root cause founder like the ones in NCIS, Criminal minds and House TV series. And yes testing got me to be this :D.

33- Intellectual Curiosity.

34- Testing workshops.

35- It is always really fun!

36- Fixing a crash because you tested and found the root cause of it.

37- It is like I am playing in a maze and this is really challenging.

38- It is like I am playing a Puzzle too!

39- Connecting the dots.

40- It got me to learn how to ask questions.

41- Coaching testing beginners.

42- Funny fact about me: It got me learn how to match my clothes’ colors.

43- It got me to write blog posts.

44- I learned how to organize my thoughts.

45- I learned how to change my way of thinking and to think creatively.

46- Introducing me to different businesses.

47- Observing skills.

48- Dealing with different titles: developers, testers, managers, consultants, and customers.

49- Learning how to prioritize (even in my personal life)

50- It got me do things I never thought I would do.

“It is really a beautiful thing and a bless when a career and a passion come together”



Aya Akl

#Quality is my thing - Passionate human being who wants to change the world!! #MobileTester #SDET #iOS #Testing